So Tom and I had a truely wonderful little trip to France.
We drove in Toms 16 yr old Peugeot 205 (it survived all 1850 miles!) and saw some beautiful sights.
Unfortunately my great intentions of taking 4 fab cameras for some fab shots went a bit wrong :(
I hadn't got the right film for the Diana camera I borrowed (and it was bank holiday Monday the day we left so couldn't purchase another) my SLR camera decided just not to work :/ and my 4 shot camera I thought would be amazing, and NONE of the pictures came out....so luckily my digital camera didn't let me down. (Did manage to smash the screen though so the last part of the holiday was guess work pictures!)
'Love this picture! Captures a moment in time in La Rochelle....I love how much is going on in the image. I think the fact that it's b+w makes it look like I've stepped back in time to take it!'
All in all I highly recommend a road trip to the south of France - one word....
I had a little thought whilst away (with lots of time on my hands) about starting writing again....I see this blog as a really great way to get back into writing. I used to love writing stories when I was younnger, however they were incredibly cheesy, girly stories - but I wonder what I could come up with now I am a little older (and perhaps a little wiser?!) If only there were more time in each day, to sit somewhere quietly for an hour or so to just gather my thoughts....
My creative ability sometimes is very frustrating! As I love to be creative, have billions of ideas buzzing round my head all times of the day, and I end up getting little post it notes and reminding myself what it is I want to make next...trouble is - I end up having way more post it notes of ideas than I do of actual work. Doh!
I did get started on my 'season spots' paintings yesterday....
summer is nearly complete. Just
autumn and
winter to go then!
I love it when a plan comes together! And I will post them on here when i (eventually) get them finished!
It's a beautiful day here in sunny Cornwall, having a BBQ tonight, then off to the beach tomorrow for some well deserved (ha!) relaxation time! Well, when it's on your doorstep it would be rude not to!