I recently had a stall at a local craft fair, a local primary school called Trannack. it was their first ever craft fair and it was very successful. I shared my stall with my sister Melody Ryder, a very talented textile designer. Between us we had a very colourful, varied stall consisting of my buttons, calendars and cards and her bunting and felt lamps.

(a bad quality pic from my phone, I've misplaced my lovely camera)
This was the first craft fair I have actually done on my own, and I feel it went very well, and was an enjoyable experience. I would love to make our stall look even prettier next time with plenty more stock and a pretty tablecloth....but these are details and I can work on these.
My other sister Emslie Mills, is a freelance make up artist and beauty therapist and she holds a stall at craft fairs selling a local, organic skincare product.
My mum is a Childrens Knitwear designer and will also be involved in selling her wonderful knitted hats and bears at these events. She has been a successful knitwear designer for many years, and he gorgeous designs can be found in shops in London, Bath and Cornwall. you can now buy online @ Knicky Knitwear, or check out her Facebook page to see what she's up to!
CRAFT FAIRs we will be selling at in the future:
* Crowan Crafts, Crowan, Cornwall. 29th Nov - 10th Dec 2011
* Events Square, Falmouth. Dates TBC
* Constantine Fair, Cornwall. Dates TBC
* Godolphin School, Cornwall Dates TBC