The sun is shining today, which makes me very happy indeed - perhaps we will get that much needed 'proper' summer this year, where the sun actually shines for longer than a month without rain! (aaahhh!)

The sun has inspired me to share my holiday plans with and my Tom are off to France at the end of the month on a little road trip!
I have booked us on the ferry and today bought a French road map, in preparation!
Je suis super excite!

I have asked to borrow my little sisters boyfriends Diana Camera, as I am totally in love with the idea of taking some really delicious pictures on our trip....I am also taking my lomo 4shot camera, my SLR and my bog standard digital camera! So I'm sure you won't be disapointed when I get back, as I hopefully will take some lovely French style snaps!
I am always incredibly inspired by photography and it is a passion of mine, having studied it at college and university...I've uploaded a few photos I love that I have found whilst browsing the world wide web....hope you like them too!

Hopefully next time I upload some really unusual, amazing photographs they will be mine!!
Just looking at these pics has totally inspired me to lug around as many cameras/films with me.
I heart photography! (J'aime la photographie!)
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